![]() Welcome to Living Foods USA Call us at 877. 724. 9376 THE NEW PARADIGM FOR HEALTHRestore Your Bioterrain and Build a New Foundation for Optimal Health! Wouldn't it be great if you could make just a few fundamental changes to your regimen and powerfully alter your entire physiological functioning? Well you can! The program is really that simple: detoxify, nutrify, restore, and rebalance.
With the broadest fundamental regime of these simple products that give
all the essential minerals, the flora needed to process, and the humic
substances to complex all nutrients, it's all there. Just try a program
on for yourself, and in just a few months you will find you are
rebuilding your biological milieu,
Supporting the restoration of the flora in our digestive system needs support itself, largely due to destructive elements in the environment.
Steps 2-4 - Detoxify, Nutrify, Rebalance. Toxins disturb biological function and disrupt our health. The last 100 years of chemical farming has produced a soil that is depleted of much of its original richness, the milieu of a symbiotic world of organic nutrients and microorganisms all functioning in harmonious balance. Taking more supplements cannot undo the daily onslaught of toxins, which interfere with proper nutrient absorption. The river has to be cleaned upstream first to address the underlying problems. With Zeoheal you can actually accomplish four steps in one. Humic and Fulvic are the finest organic detoxifying substances known. And their mineral and amino acid content together with their ability to make the cell more permeable and to transport the nutrients into the cell makes them the finest remineralizers available. The Zeolite will remove the toxic metals, chemicals, plastics and viral waste, and like the Humic acid, will remove radioactive particles too! Because it is both an electron donor and receptor Fulvic acid will electrically balance the body, and along with Humic acid it restores body's terrain, renewing cell function. They are a true anti-aging miracle, and the missing link in human nutrition. Once the signal and biochemical disruptors are removed, how easily your body can return to its natural functioning. Wouldn't you love to be able to accomplish all these things at one time? Increasing nutrient uptake, eliminating toxins, remineralizing your body, sharpening your mind, renewing energy by restoring the electrical balance in the body? And out zeolite has been "activated" by a proprietary process that removes the natural heavy toxic metals that are always found in zeolite deposits. Few zeolites are sold in the activated form. But this is very important, since it eliminates importing toxic metals into the body. A quick review of our analysis shows that all the toxic metals are below detectable levels. Cleaned for you and ready to clean for you! These conditions in our environment require that we address the underlying problems or suffer the consequences. We need a simple 1,2,3 approach that helps us to rebuild and restore the robust organism the Creator gave us. That means we need detoxification and nutrification along with anti-oxidant power, and cellular function repair, and even DNA repair, if we are to THRIVE in this threatening environment. It is time to begin thinking and operating on the foundational level. And just as every good house needs a strong foundation, your body is your house and it needs its foundation strengthened. It is late in the game if you have to move from food to pharmaceuticals to bring about restoration. There is another way! Less is more! So: what is the bottom line for You and your health needs?
The program is truly that simple: detoxify, nutrify, restore, and rebalance. Experience the synergistic effect of this fundamental regime with these simple, natural products that give all the essential minerals, the flora needed to process, and the humic substances to complex all nutrients, it's all there. Just try a program on for yourself, and in just a few months you will find you are rebuilding your biological milieu, your bioterrain will be renewed and your physiology will leap into hyperdrive! MODERN SCIENCE WEDS ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE Hippocrates said: "Let food be your medicine and medicine your food." This timeless principle underlies our approach to health and wellness, and has been explored in exciting new ways such as Georgetown University's Food as Medicine program. Our journey has led to the application of new technological advances to ancient natural health regimes. In this understanding we have found that in addition to solid food, water is food as the great Iranian researcher Dr. Batmanghelidh discovered, advancing the knowledge that the quality of intra-cellular water governs cellular metabolism. Fermented foods, such as whole food probiotics, have long been a staple of ancient cultures like the people of the Caucasus region. They lived on hydrogen-rich, pure water, foods grown in soil that was rich in humates, and naturally fermented kefirs that contributed to remarkably great longevity. However, a good full spectrum probiotic made with whole foods to keep your probiotics live and thriving is the perfect alternative in todays world. With water we have found that application of laser technology and the use of ancient mineral deposits, along with hydrogen can combine to produce "living waters." With regard to molecular hydrogen, our experience began in 2008, working with Dr. HIdemitsu Hayashi in pioneering the use of hydrogen in drinking water with passive mineral products in the US via our HydrogenRich Water Group. Since that time there has been a growth in the study of the use of hydrogen as molecular antioxidant from 5 published papers in those days to some 500 peer-reviewed studies today on therapeutic applications of hydrogen. Finally, we have worked with the finest soluble liquid humates, in the form of humic/fulvic acid to remedy the mineral deficiency we all experience as a result of the massive depletion of our soils. Together, living waters and living foods promise to be a primary key to our health in the future. |